this post was actually my comment in one of my previous post, i thought i jam more on it.
cny is coming, there will be another ops by the pdrm, i'm not sure what is the purpose of this ops, its like giving us a statistic of road kill by states and day and types of road, etc, than actually preventing accidents from happenning. accidents rate still increases, death rate still increases, so this is by list of the major contributors of road fatalities during festive season.
1. cars are so damd cheap now a days, u see much ppl ferrying their gf on bikes anymore? want to get a superbike?, u can afford a car now days with all kind of ridicolous low down payment, some even as low as rm1.00.
2. since of 1 above more ppl drive, there are like a miilion drivers on the road now, the slow one, the fast one and the dickhead one, slow drivers pissed off the fast drivers and vice versa.
3. highways make drivers less skillful in terms of estimation when driving on trunk road. this i believe is true, if someone can give me a statistic on the no of road kill then before the highway i bet the number are much lower than now, of course consideration must be taken over no of cars now and then. back in those days, only good drivers are on the road, those not very skillful, either take the bus or katak bawah tempurung. since buses takes forever to reach a destination, those who cannot wait just stay at home. you really have to be good at driving then, 2 lanes trunk road, you stick your head out to the right, look for oncoming cars, estimate your time, coast is clear, put on the signal, drop a gear or two, then you accelarate, no turning back, position is forward, if you misjudge, chances are cars from the opposite side will slow down for you to complete your overtaking monouver, but as he passes you buy, he'll give you the birdy, you can thank him later, yes him , woman then hardly drive inter city, it was suicidal. but if the front bugger want to play chicken, then it is to the dirt extreme right opposite side of the road or if time permits, squeeze back into your lane. and every time you do this you can bet, there will be at least 2-3 cars behind you, doing the same thing, it goes on the concept that if you have an accident, they will still have time to avoid. the best time to drive agreed by experts then was, night driving, since oncoming cars headlight would indicate their presence.
4. increase in cost of public transportation resulting in more ppl owning owning vehicles which go back to no. 2.
5. lack of enforcement
6. idiot drivers on the road which is the result of 1 & 2.
7. increase in corruption which resulted 1,2,5 & 6.
8. massive development shrink the trunk roads
9. which leads to flooding and land erosion and finally
10. our national tin can cars.
i would say idiot drivers and our national tin cars make up for the majority of accidents and road kill in our country. if you are an adiot driver, i fuck you with all my heart, please fuck away from the roads, dont fucking come near the fucking road and best of all dont fucking drive, you not only fucked yourself up but you fuck other ppl on the fucking road as well.
i use to go back to my hometown in taiping quite often, but since there has been a flood of idiot drivers, i have gone back less, sad excuse, but is mine.
experience ? a couple of time, was overtaking some trucks, there was another 3-4 cars in front of me overtaking the trucks as well, out of the blue, this car was right up my ass, i dont really mind cars up ass in the city, but in the highway, when you are doing 120km/h, i cant even see the no. plate just his windscreen, so i knew that was close. so i slumber lah, there was no where for me to go as i was overtaking some trucks, then idiot here start to squeeze on the right shoulder of the road, there was like 2-3 feet between my car and the railings, i didn't want to know whether he was bluffing or not, i hit my left indicator, swoop in between the trucks and let the car pass before i come out again. now you tell me is that an idiot or not.
and lastly before i forget, idont want to offend anyone, but those of you with the freaking muffler as big as by head kind and driving around in a modified national tin car, please the car smashes up like a tin can without extra modification, yours?
i decided not to post any pictures of accident victims, they were too grossed, even for me, i suggest you take a trip to your local police station, i think they have some pictures of roadkill. i've seen them before, head all smashed up, brains all over the road being rolled over by a bus tyre, abdomen being rolled over by car tyres, bodies flung out of car during high speed accident, mangled bodies stuck in the wrecked cars with bodies being pierce by all kind of objects, small babies, children, parents, grandparents, your love ones, you and me.
you are not just kiling your self, but other innocent lives. speed dont really kills, but ignorance of the traffic laws does. drive careful, think of others, if not yourself.