Sunday, July 02, 2006

do you know why england lost ?

i was watching rooney, when it suddenly strike me. so i told my england supporter wife. do you know england has a flaw in their games and they dont seem to realised it. what flaw she asked ? its like a time bomb flaw. you mean the players are too old or injured ? not that kind of flaw. temper flaw. temper flaw ? yes wayne rooney temper. all portugal need to do is run beside rooney, tease him a bit, shove him a bit, pull his t-shirt a bit, wallah, temper explode, red card, sent out. and it happen. temper exploded, red card shown, adious. well actually i didnt know showing another player can get you a red card. and he shoved his clubmate. i wonder, whether ronaldo did that on purpose, well if he did, fergusan better decide whether he still wants to keep him or not in man u, as his action actually fuck-up england. and in a way that can be called treason to the queen. right ?

anyway, the reason why england lost, other than the fact that they cant kick penalties and play well, its the fact that they asked god for too many favours. dont understand or dont believe ? well you got your england coach there, praying to god, asking for a quarter final win, he promised he would stay away from the booze & the women for say 6 months, and he promise that england will play better in the semis. since goran its not much of a praying person, he prayed like 3 times in the whole 120 minutes. but you see, everytime the england fans at the stadium get bored at the shitty game their beloved team is playing, they start to sing "god saves the queen". now sven asked god to let them win the quarter final, but the whole of england seems to be praying "god saves the queen" instead. so the queen is saved, and england lost the match.


rainbow angeles said...

And why did Brazil lose? I didn't watch...

ducky said...

jesus is a french guy ! haha i didnt watch either.

Anonymous said...

I've given up on worldcup since they started fixing matches many years ago.

So far i've not even watched a single match and plan NOT to in the future as well or else I will be cursing at what's so obvious to be bias or fake.

No different from watching fixed wrestling matches.

Save myself the disappointments and high blood pressure by doing something else more productive and peaceful. ;-)

ducky said...

you should at least watch some of the underdogs games, it is really interesting. after all its the most beautiful game every 4 years. i watched the game without much having support for any team, but would prefer any underdogs team.